The Empty Nest, found in places that one may not expect: old canoes, under eves, flower gardens and sides of roads. The nest is a spectacular vessel that took many tireless hours to create. The care and use of particular materials that were arranged meticulously is a work of art in its own right. Yet the nest isn’t just this fantastic object found in nature, it is also a representation of life and the possibilities of what could be and what has been. It bore witness to birth, the dedication of parenting, the growth of new beings in the world from the very young to the time of flight, and to the flight itself. The nest also reminds me of the quietness that comes with the empty nest; just an empty vessel, without the calls, sounds, or chirps; a sense of empty. This examines the inevitable dichotomy of the Empty Nest — an undiscovered freedom infused with an acute sense of longing. The beauty of reclaiming space and time, rediscovering tender memories of rearing young, and the renewed clarity that accompanies solitude. Yet, in the same breath, the profound sense of loss that lingers, the void left by the once vibrant personalities that made a house a home is immense. The works for the Nest Series below represents these feelings and unveils the journey of The Empty Nest.